Monday, December 3, 2012

December Teacher of the Month

Congratulations to Mrs. Beverly Blanchard!  Mrs. Blanchard has been nominated and selected as the Lorena Middle School Teacher of the Month for December. Mrs. Blanchard has taught students at Lorena Middle School for 31 years.  For the past several years, Mrs. Blanchard has taught students 5th grade Social Studies.

Below are portions from two of the nomination letters Mrs. Blanchard received:

I would like to nominate Mrs. Blanchard because she understands my ideas and makes things easy for me.  She also lets us do projects that motivate us.  Mrs. Blanchard encourages us to be on time to class.  She sometimes gives us tests.  I hope Mrs. Blanchard is selected, it would make me very happy.

Mrs. Blanchard is nice.  She never gets mad.  She makes Social Studies fun and she has a heart worth Billions in Gold.

Congratulations Mrs. Blanchard!

If you are interested in nominating a teacher for Teacher of the Month, please go to the following link LMS Teacher of the Month Nomination Form or contact the front office at 254-857-4621.

Friday, November 9, 2012

November Teacher of the Month

Congratulations to Mrs. Tergerson! She has been nominated and received Teacher of the Month for November.  Mrs. Tergerson has been at Lorena Middle School for 13 years. She teaches Advanced 6th grade ELA and Reading, and Advanced 7th and 8th grade ELAR. Mrs. Tergerson also teaches 5th and 6th grade Art. 

Below is the nomination letter Mrs. Tergerson received:

There are many outstanding teachers who deserve Lorena Middle School's Teacher of the Month Award.  I am compelled to submit a nomination for this award for Mrs. Tergerson.  Her obvious dedication to enriching the quality of her students' lives through her progressive approach to teaching deserves to be recognized and celebrated.

The diversity of the projects Mrs. Tergerson assigns gives students the opportunity to not only learn Reading and English, but also many additional invaluable life skills that can be used throughout a lifetime in a variety of situations.  A few of these skills include group dynamics, team building, multitasking , scheduling/time management, critical thinking, and problem solving.

It is evident Mrs. Tergerson recognizes more knowledge in these area is essential in our society.  She is truly gifted as a teacher to be willing to flesh out her curriculum's material to find ways to provide these students the opportunity to gain this additional knowledge.

It is apparent Mrs. Tergerson truly cares about the well being of her students' lives now and in the future, while in her classroom and beyond, which sets her and other teachers like her apart.  Thank you so much for considering Mrs. Tergerson for this award.  I am and will forever be grateful my daughter will benefit from being taught by her, one of our greatest teachers.

Congratulations Mrs. Tergerson!

If you are interested in nominating a teacher for Teacher of the Month, please go to the following link LMS Teacher of the Month Nomination Form or contact the front office at 254-857-4621.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

LMS All-Region Band

This past Saturday, November 3rd, nine middle school band students auditioned for the all-region band. They competed against 250 other middle school students from Waco ISD, Temple ISD, China Spring ISD, Midway ISD, and Corsicana ISD for chairs in the two all-region bands. We had eight students make the all-region band with seven of them earning a spot in the top all-region band! The following students made the all-region band.

                                              Will Fleischhauer (clarinet) – 7th overall
                                               Isaac Gallegos (trumpet) – 22nd overall
                                               Steven Hugghins (trumpet) – 2nd overall
                                               Keaton Marek (French Horn) – 6th overall
                                               Hunter Isham (euphonium) – 4th overall
                                               Travis Chandler (tuba) – 4th overall
                                               Joel Horton (tuba) – 1st overall
                                               Jordan Generals (tuba) – 6th overall

The directors and I are very proud of these students and the extra time they put in to prepare their scales and music. If you see these students, please congratulate them!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Lorena Middle School PTO "No Sell" Fundraiser

The message below is from the Lorena Middle School PTO:

This year, the Lorena Middle School PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is trying something new - the No Sell Fundraiser.  We hope you won't miss the cookie dough, gift wrap, gifts and magazines.

While we have decided to say no to sending students door-to-door, it's important to remember we still need to raise funds for Lorena Middle School.

PTO sponsors and supports our children's education and the teachers who instruct them.  Funding is much needed to provide our children's school with classroom supplies and school improvement items.  Our goal is to raise $10,000.

This school year, Lorena Middle School has 550 students enrolled.  If each family is able to make a $25 donation, we are off to a great start.  Any amount your feel comfortable giving will be greatly appreciated.  Maybe your family and friends would be interested in supporting our students as well.  They are worth it!

Donation forms were sent home with all Lorena Middle School students.  Forms may also be picked up from the front office at the Lorena Middle School campus. 

Please send donations in an envelope marked "No Sell Fundraiser."  Checks can be made payable to Lorena PTO.  The deadline is MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19th.

Thank you in advance for your continued support ~
Lorena Middle School PTO

Thursday, October 18, 2012

AR Lunch Bunch

Reading is such an important skill for our students to develop and to continue developing as they progress in school.  The more a student reads, the more their vocabulary is developed.  The new STAAR requires our students to think critically about what they are reading.  Additionally, students are asked to apply what they read to problem solve across different content areas such as math, science and social studies. 

In an effort to encourage more students to read, Lorena Middle School has started a new incentive program.  Each six weeks for the first 5 six weeks, students who reach 100% of their AR goal will be entered into a drawing to travel off campus for a pizza lunch.  Two students from each grade will have their names drawn and travel with the principals for lunch.

At the end of the year, students who have reached 100% of their goal for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th six weeks grading periods will be entered into a drawing for a Nook or a Kindle.

Another way Lorena MS encourages students to read and challenge themselves is to reward all students who have earned 50 points in December with a Coke Float Party.  Students who earn 100 points in the school year are rewarded with a picnic at the end of the year.

All students who reach 100% of their AR goal each six weeks will have their name posted on the AR STAR Wall. Thank you in advance for encouraging your student to Read More and Learn More.

Accelerated Reader (AR) Helpful Hints

What is Accelerated Reader (AR)?
AR is a computer program that helps teachers manage and monitor children's independent reading practice.  Your child picks a book at this own level and reads it at his own pace.  When finished, your child takes a short quiz on the computer.  (Passing the quiz is an indication that your child understood what was read.)  AR gives both children and teachers feedback based on the quiz results, which the teacher then uses to help your child set goals and direct ongoing reading practice.

Children using AR choose their own books to read, rather than having one assigned to them.  This makes reading a much more enjoyable experience as they can choose books that are interesting to them.

Teachers and librarians help your child choose books at an appropriate reading level that are challenging without being frustrating, ensuring that your child can pass the quiz and experience success.

If your child does not do well on the quiz, the teacher may help him:
* Choose another book that is more appropriate.
* Ask more probing questions as your child reads and before he takes a quiz.
* Pair your child with another student, or even have the book read to your child.

How can I help my child become a better reader?
As with anything, performance improves with practice. Encourage your child to read at home. Create a culture of reading in your household by reading with your child, starting a home library, visiting your local library or bookstore on a regular basis, letting your child see you reading, and discussing books that each of you have read. When reading with your child, stop and ask questions to be sure your child comprehends what is read. Reading with your child, no matter what the child’s age, is an important part of developing a good reader, building a lifelong love of reading and learning, and creating a loving relationship between you and your child. Make learning a family affair!

What if my child doesn't like reading?
Using Accelerated Reader, your child will choose the books he wants to read.  The teacher will make certain the book is at the right level so that after completing the book, your child should do well on the AR Reading Practice Quiz.  Success on the quiz will encourage your child to read more.  With guidance from the teacher, and success, even students who say they don't like reading can develop a love of reading.

How do I use the Parent Portal?
To find out what your child is reading and/or how they are doing in AR you can check the parent portal.
The picture to the right is the screen you will see. The User Name is your child’s first and last name with no spaces.  Then enter your child’s password which is usually the last four digits of their social security code. 
Parent Portal After Logging In

This screen will let you know how your child is currently doing on each test and for the entire school year.  It also will tell you what books your students are reading.

Up at the top of the screen there are options you can choose.  These are the options and how they will help you.

The Espanola link will change everything on the page to Spanish.

The Email Setup link, once created, will send you an email automatically as soon as a student's test is submitted.  It is a great resource to keep you informed of when they test and how they perform. 

The Help link will give you information on Reading Practice Quizzes, Vocabulary Practice Quizzes, My Overall Progress, My Last Quiz and Book Details, Reader Certifications, how to Find Books, and a Parent’s Guide to Accelerated Reader.

My child already does well in school.  Why does she need this?
Even if a child is gifted at playing a musical instrument, she has to practice to develop her talent.  Bright children, like all children, need to be challenged.  Teachers using AR software in their classrooms find it easy to guide each student to books that give the child both challenge and success, regardless of the child's level.

My child is not a strong reader.  Can she still use Accelerated Reader?
Accelerated Reader helps all children become better readers, from students with special needs to those who are gifted and talented.  When children read books at an appropriate level, they experience success.  Furthermore, teachers work with children to set appropriate goals based on each child's reading level.

Monday, October 1, 2012

October Teacher of the Month

Congratulations to Coach Pierce! He has been nominated and selected for the honor of Teacher of the Month for October.  Coach Pierce is starting his 13th year at Lorena I.S.D.  He coaches boys' P.E. and Athletics.  Coach Pierce helps facilitate the D.A.R.E. program with our McLennan County Sheriff's Department, recognizes students for the Leopard Marathon and helps organize the Leopard Olympics.

Coach Pierce and the
Coveted Leopard Paw Chair
Coach Pierce is most excited about having the Leopard Paw Chair for the month of October.  Because he parks in the back of the school, he wanted Mrs. Cargill, September's Teacher of the Month, to keep the reserved front Teacher of the Month parking space.

Below is the letter of nomination Coach Pierce received:

Coach Pierce is dedicated! I do not think I have ever been to school, 6:30 a.m. to way after hours, that he is NOT there.  Coach Pierce communicates.  He sends letters home with information on his expectations. He also sends the kids letters during the summer and a note to the parents when they do something exceptionally well. This is motivating and encouraging to the student.  He loves the kids.  Coach Pierce may expect a lot, but my children have all learned respect and responsibility from him.  These are life long traits.  I am so glad he cares enough to have high expectations and make the kids responsible. Coach Pierce includes EVERYONE no matter their ability. 

I have watched Coach Pierce for many years take the "underdog" and allow him a chance to succeed.  Whether the student gets to play a sport or be the water boy, Coach Pierce creates a job/situation that the child can gain confidence and the support of his teammates.  This is a VERY hard task to achieve ad I have watched him foster many students over the years.  Coach Pierce is ORGANIZED!! He keeps the gym, storage building, and locker room in perfect order.  I often wonder how he keeps up with uniforms, water bottles, and equipment so well.  He uses our money wisely.  Coach Pierce makes do with what he has and even creates a training tool out of things that are broken. 

Coach Pierce goes above and beyond EVERY day and he should be honored for that.

Congratulations Coach Pierce!

If you are interested in nominating a teacher for Teacher of the Month, please go to the following link LMS Teacher of the Month Nomination Form or contact the front office at 254-857-4621.

After School Math Tutoring

Math tutoring is available at Lorena Middle School each Tuesday and Thursday after school from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.  Students in grades 5 through 8 are encouraged to bring any math homework with which they are struggling.  Math tutoring takes place in the LMS Math Lab and is facilitated by our Math Interventionist, Mrs. Jeffrey.  If you have questions, you may click here to email Mrs. Jeffrey

There is no fee to attend after school math tutoring, however, transportation is not provided.  Students may be picked up in the front of the building.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

September Teacher of the Month

Beginning this year, teachers may be nominated for going above and beyond.  Coach Cargill has been selected as the Lorena Middle School Teacher of the Month for September.  Coach Cargill teaches 6th grade Reading and has been with the Lorena I.S.D. for seven years.
As the recipient of Teacher of the Month, Coach Cargill has received a reserved, prime parking space and the much coveted Leopard Paw Chair for use during the month of September.  Coach Cargill will also be recognized with a picture at the entrance of the building and recognition in local media as well as at the next Lorena I.S.D. Board Meeting.
Below is the nomination letter received at the end of the 2011-2012 school year:
Hi There -
I just wanted to take a moment and tell you what an AMAZING impact Coach Cargill has had on my daughter this year.  Daily - and I mean daily there is a Coach Cargill story - Coach Cargill said this - Coach Cargill said that!  My daughter has talked about lessons, the books they have read - how Coach Cargill dressed up, how funny she is, and the list goes on and on!
The first three to four years of school were pretty rough for my daughter (and for me) - she had to learn to accommodate for her Dyslexia and then there were two years of back and  forth to Baylor and two summers of Camp Success.  There were several times she and I both had melt downs!  BUT, it was all worth it.
I feel this is the first year she has really enjoyed reading for pleasure and has grown so much as a reader.  She finished the Hunger Games trilogy!  My husband and I send out a big THANK YOU to Coach Cargill for making this such a special year for her!'
Sincerely - 6th Grade Parent
Congratulations to Coach Cargill on this well-deserved honor.  If you are interested in nominating a teacher for Teacher of the Month, please go to the following link LMS Teacher of the Month Nomination Form or contact the front office at 254-857-4621.

Bring Your Own Technology at LMS

Beginning in the 2012-2013 school year, Lorena Middle School students will have the opportunity to use their own technology devices in the classroom.  Parent permission is required.  Forms have been sent home with all LMS students in all grades. The Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) plan and frequently asked questions can be found on Dr. Drews' website under the "News" section found at the link below.  A copy of the parent permission form can also be found there as well.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

LMS Meet the Teacher Nights Scheduled

Lorena Middle School will host Meet the Teacher nights for each grade level.  Meet the Teacher nights provide you an opportunity to get more information about the day-to-day routines for your student's grade level as well as meet the teachers who provide instruction to your students each day.  General information about grade level activities and introductions of faculty and staff will be provided first, followed by time to visit your student's classrooms and meet the teachers.  Meet the Teacher nights are a great way to get to know us and what we do.  We hope you will make plans to attend.

Each Meet the Teacher night begins at 6:00 p.m. and lasts until about 7:30 p.m.  Please note the date provided below for your student's grade level.

5th Grade - Tuesday, September 11th
6th Grade - Monday, September 24th
7th Grade - Tuesday, September 18th
8th Grade - Tuesday, September 25th

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Afternoon Parent Pickup

In an effort to keep students safe, Lorena Middle School has designated pick up procedures for parents wishing to pick students in the afternoon. 
There will be two car lines where students are allowed to load into vehicles:  curb side and in the far outside lane that runs next to the teacher parking.  Grades 5 and 6 will be picked up on the curb side only.  Grades 7 and 8 may be picked up along the teacher parking.  If you pick up students in both groups, please pick them up on the curb side.  No cars will be allowed to park or stop in the center lane.  After students have loaded, parents still waiting are asked to pull forward as far as possible in the pick up lines as other cars are loaded and exit via the center lane.
Keeping the middle lane open allows for an orderly exit.  Additionally, if we should need emergency vehicles to gain access to the building, leaving the center lane open would allow emergency vehicles a path to the front entrance of the campus.
Thank you in advance for your support.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Believe It!

Lorena Middle School has a new parking lot!

On the most recent survey conducted by the district, parents and faculty expressed a need for additional parking at Lorena Middle School. With the extended parking lot, we have added 19 parking spaces.  Other improvements include sealing the front and back existing parking areas as well as repainting them.  In an effort to add definition to the front drive of the school, we have placed landscaping rocks along Leopard Lane. Those landscaping rocks were actually excavated from the area of the parking lot extension.  We are working to find a few more to complete the project. 
In an effort to keep all of our students safe, the car lines will stay the same. The city of Lorena has moved the school zone sign past the entrance to the LMS parking lot.  The goal is to set up a turn lane leading into the parking area of LMS.  A turn lane will help keep Leopard Lane open to two-way traffic when parents are waiting to pick up their students at the end of the school day.  Thank you in advance for supporting us and helping us keep students safe.