In an effort to keep students safe, Lorena Middle School has designated pick up procedures for parents wishing to pick students in the afternoon.
There will be two car lines where students are allowed to load into vehicles: curb side and in the far outside lane that runs next to the teacher parking. Grades 5 and 6 will be picked up on the curb side only. Grades 7 and 8 may be picked up along the teacher parking. If you pick up students in both groups, please pick them up on the curb side. No cars will be allowed to park or stop in the center lane. After students have loaded, parents still waiting are asked to pull forward as far as possible in the pick up lines as other cars are loaded and exit via the center lane.
Keeping the middle lane open allows for an orderly exit. Additionally, if we should need emergency vehicles to gain access to the building, leaving the center lane open would allow emergency vehicles a path to the front entrance of the campus.
Thank you in advance for your support.