Thursday, September 6, 2012

September Teacher of the Month

Beginning this year, teachers may be nominated for going above and beyond.  Coach Cargill has been selected as the Lorena Middle School Teacher of the Month for September.  Coach Cargill teaches 6th grade Reading and has been with the Lorena I.S.D. for seven years.
As the recipient of Teacher of the Month, Coach Cargill has received a reserved, prime parking space and the much coveted Leopard Paw Chair for use during the month of September.  Coach Cargill will also be recognized with a picture at the entrance of the building and recognition in local media as well as at the next Lorena I.S.D. Board Meeting.
Below is the nomination letter received at the end of the 2011-2012 school year:
Hi There -
I just wanted to take a moment and tell you what an AMAZING impact Coach Cargill has had on my daughter this year.  Daily - and I mean daily there is a Coach Cargill story - Coach Cargill said this - Coach Cargill said that!  My daughter has talked about lessons, the books they have read - how Coach Cargill dressed up, how funny she is, and the list goes on and on!
The first three to four years of school were pretty rough for my daughter (and for me) - she had to learn to accommodate for her Dyslexia and then there were two years of back and  forth to Baylor and two summers of Camp Success.  There were several times she and I both had melt downs!  BUT, it was all worth it.
I feel this is the first year she has really enjoyed reading for pleasure and has grown so much as a reader.  She finished the Hunger Games trilogy!  My husband and I send out a big THANK YOU to Coach Cargill for making this such a special year for her!'
Sincerely - 6th Grade Parent
Congratulations to Coach Cargill on this well-deserved honor.  If you are interested in nominating a teacher for Teacher of the Month, please go to the following link LMS Teacher of the Month Nomination Form or contact the front office at 254-857-4621.

Bring Your Own Technology at LMS

Beginning in the 2012-2013 school year, Lorena Middle School students will have the opportunity to use their own technology devices in the classroom.  Parent permission is required.  Forms have been sent home with all LMS students in all grades. The Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) plan and frequently asked questions can be found on Dr. Drews' website under the "News" section found at the link below.  A copy of the parent permission form can also be found there as well.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

LMS Meet the Teacher Nights Scheduled

Lorena Middle School will host Meet the Teacher nights for each grade level.  Meet the Teacher nights provide you an opportunity to get more information about the day-to-day routines for your student's grade level as well as meet the teachers who provide instruction to your students each day.  General information about grade level activities and introductions of faculty and staff will be provided first, followed by time to visit your student's classrooms and meet the teachers.  Meet the Teacher nights are a great way to get to know us and what we do.  We hope you will make plans to attend.

Each Meet the Teacher night begins at 6:00 p.m. and lasts until about 7:30 p.m.  Please note the date provided below for your student's grade level.

5th Grade - Tuesday, September 11th
6th Grade - Monday, September 24th
7th Grade - Tuesday, September 18th
8th Grade - Tuesday, September 25th