Information from Mrs. Glaser's nomination is provided below:
Mrs. Glaser works tirelessly to ensure that every student in her class is engaged in the learning process. She integrates technology to further engage her students. Mrs. Glaser also serves as a teacher leader, sharing teaching strategies with other teachers on her campus and within the Lorena I.S.D. Mrs. Glaser shares her passion for the community of Lorena through teaching. A great project that she does is the research project which is the History of Lorena. Each year students look forward to learning more about the community in which they live. The field trip through town and the Chuck Wagon lunch make the project come alive. Lorena Middle School is fortunate to have such a quality teacher.
Congratulations to Mrs. Glaser!!
If you are interested in nominating a teacher for Teacher of the Month, please go to the following link LMS Teacher of the Month Nomination Form or contact the front office at 254-857-4621.