STAAR Bootcamp

STAAR Bootcamp is scheuled on the middle school campus for the following dates:
Monday through Thursday, June 10th-13th, June 17th-20th and Monday, June 24th.
Times will be determined after we have received results from the second administration. Please contact Dr. Drews or Mrs. Fields if you have any questions.
Academic Credit Recovery
Students are promoted only on the basis of achievement. Students must maintain a yearly average of a 70% or above to receive credit for a course. If a student fails 2 subjects he or she will be required to attend and pass summer school or pass a credit by exam in order to be considered for promotion or placement.Credit by Exam: On July 15th students will have the opportunity to take a test to demonstrate mastery in the course or courses failed. A student must score a 70% or higher to receive credit. Tests are $50 per semester. If a student scores below 70%, he or she does not receive credit.
Summer School: Students must pay $100 for each course they did not pass during the regular school year. Students must earn a 70% or higher to receive credit for summer school.
Summer School Dates: Monday - Thursday, July 15th - August 8th (No Fridays)
Summer School Hours: 8:00 - 11:00
Please contact the Lorena Middle School office for more information.