Friday, July 25, 2014

Back To School


The summer is flying by quickly.  Lots of great things are taking shape with the construction process.  The Lorena Middle School will be ready to accept, invite and challenge students on day one - which this year is the day after Labor Day, Tuesday, September 2nd.

Important Dates to Remember:

August 4 -    New Students to the District may begin the online registration process.
August 11 -  Returning students to LISD may begin the online registration process.
August 29 -  Schedule pick up and yearbook photos taken at LMS from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
                      (NOTE:  students must be in dress code to have pictures taken)

NOTICE - Immunizations for incoming 7th graders
All students who will be entering the 7th grade in the 2014-2015 school year will need to obtain vaccinations this summer (if they have not already done so). The State of Texas requires that all students be vaccinated against certain communicable diseases before starting school.  Students that do not meet the 2014-2015 Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements will not be able to start the school year OR obtain his or her schedule if immunizations are not up to date.  Please check with your doctor or the school nurse if you have any questions.

I hope everyone is enjoying this cooler than normal summer.  The 2014-2015 school year is fast approaching.  It is going to be a GREAT school year.  Lorena Middle School will be "ALL IN" - "All Leopards Learning & Invested" to explore and give 100% effort toward EXTRAORDINARY!!

Please contact the LMS office with any questions.  There will also be more information about registration on the LISD website in the coming weeks.