Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Lorena Middle School Late Work Policy

At Lorena Middle School, it is important for us to have a true understanding of what students know and do not know.  For the first two six weeks grading periods, we have not deducted points for late work.  Students have had until the end of the six weeks to turn in assignments for full credit.  However, we are finding that most students need additional structure to stay organized.  The end of the six weeks can sneak up on some and then work is not turned in at all.  Therefore, as a campus, we have decided to provide additional structure to help students stay organized and turn in assignments in a timelier manner.  Students were surveyed to help develop this policy.  A positive is that most students reported that they turn work in when it is due most of the time.  

The LMS Late Work Policy is outlined below:
All assigned work should be completed and turned in when the teacher states that it is due.  If a student fails to turn in an assignment when it is due, they will have until the following Monday morning at 7:55 a.m.  to turn it in for full credit and avoid Learning Lunch for the week.  Work could be turned in before 3:20 on Monday for full credit, but Learning  Lunch would still be required for the week.

Work turned in on Tuesday could receive up to a 70%.  In other words, a 70% is the highest a student could receive for the assignment.  Each day the assignment is late; an additional 10 points would be deducted.  After Friday at 3:20, the assignment would receive a zero.
Three late papers in one class in a six weeks grading period will result in after school detention to be served Tuesday or Wednesday from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.   Each six weeks grading period allows students a fresh start or clean slate. 

Learning Lunch – students who fail to turn in work before 8:00 a.m. on Mondays will be required to have lunch in a designated room each day for that week.  No exceptions will be made.  Students who eat a regular plate lunch item will have the lunch provided to them in the designated room in a to-go box unless they bring their lunch from home. (Points will be deducted from work that is officially “late” after 3:20 p.m. on Mondays or Tuesdays should Monday be a holiday.)

Additionally, students receiving below a 70% in a core class when grade reports are run Monday mornings will also be required to serve Learning Lunch for the week. 
Students in Learning Lunch will be allowed and encouraged to work on missing assignments or work ahead.

Opposite of lunches, students report to regular tutorials.  Teachers may provide students with a pass to attend a different tutorial.  However, students must have a pass.  Tutorials allow students time to complete work, read library books or get help from a teacher.

If you should have questions about the late work policy, please contact the LMS office.

Thanksgiving Holiday

The Lorena Middle School campus will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday, Wednesday, November 26th through Friday, November 28th.  School will resume on Monday, December 1st. Enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday and be safe.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Local Food Drive Underway

The annual Fall Can Food Drive is underway at Lorena Middle School. Students and families are encouraged to donate items to benefit the Shepard's Heart of Lorena Food Pantry.  All donated items will remain in the local community. Can goods and nonperishable items will be collected.  There is a friendly competition.  Students may donate to support their favorite college:  Baylor, Texas Tech, U.T. or Texas A&M. Regardless of which college wins, our entire community of Lorena is the real winner. Items will be collected through Tuesday, November 25th.  Thank you in advance for your support.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Veterans Day Ceremony

On Tuesday, November 11th at 10:45, Lorena Middle School will be holding a Veterans Day Ceremony to honor all veterans.  

We invite all veterans to join us in the Lorena Middle School Gym to be honored. Special seating is available.  

We would like to thank all veterans for serving our country and protecting our freedoms.  

Please contact the Lorena Middle School Office at 254.857.4621 if you have any questions. 

After School Tutoring

If your student is in need of additional support, Lorena Middle School hosts after school tutoring from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  Tuesday Tutoring is held with Mrs. Schulte in her computer lab.  If students need access to online materials or help with Math or they need to work on History Fair, Mrs. Schulte can help.  Wednesday Tutoring is held with Mrs. Campbell in her room and the focus is just Math.  Students do not need to sign up or register, they just need to report to these teachers' rooms on the designated day.  Parents may pick up students at 5:00 p.m. in front of the school.  If you have any questions, please contact the office at 254.857.4621.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November Teacher of the Month

Congratulations to Mrs. Newman!!  

Mrs. Newman, has been nominated and selected as Lorena Middle School's November Teacher of the Month.  Mrs. Newman teaches 6th grade English. She also sponsors Student Council for Lorena Middle School.

Mrs. Newman is in her 2nd year of teaching.

Below are portions from the nomination letters
Mrs. Newman received:

Mrs. Newman deserves teacher of the month because she goes above and beyond what is asked of her.  Her creativity is evident in her teaching.  The interactive notebooks the students create are amazing!  Mrs. Newman incorporates technology regularly to increase student engagement.  She is often trying new things to get more students involved.  Mrs. Newman is a team player.  She helps teachers and students.  Most recently she has been helping with Lorena Middle School's New Concession Stand at volleyball games and will continue into basketball season.  Mrs. Newman also sponsored the Leopard Line.  The project she is getting underway now is the can food drive to benefit the local food pantry in Lorena.  Mrs. Newman definitely contributes to Lorena Middle School and the community in a positive way.  She is a true asset to Lorena Middle School and is very deserving of Teacher of the Month.

                                                Congratulations Mrs. Newman!!

If you are interested in nominating a teacher for Teacher of the Month, please
contact the front office at 254-857-4621.