Friday, January 17, 2014

Think Through Math - Free Online Learning

The state of Texas has provided a free online math tool for school districts, Think Through Math (TTM). At Lorena Middle School, all students have a user name and log in to access this great online tool to help develop math skills.  Students take a pretest the first time they log in.  Results of this test set each student on an individual targeted pathway.

To access Think Through Math, go to

Results show that students who complete at least 30 Think Through Math lessons in their targed pathway make INCREDIBLE gains.  With TTM and steady, consistent effort, every student can improve their math trajectory.

An example of THINK 30 Success:
·                               Students attempting 30+ lessons achieved a 12 point year-over-year gain
·                               67% of these students scored at the Advanced level!
           Please contact the Lorena Middle School Campus with any questions.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January Teacher of the Month

Congratulations to Ms. Emily Abbe!  Ms. Abbe has been nominated and selected as the Lorena Middle School Teacher of the Month for January.  Ms. Abbe teaches 5th grade Mathematics.  She is in her first year of teaching at Lorena Middle School.

Below is a portion from the nomination letter  Ms. Abbe received:

I think Ms. Abbe would make an excellent Teacher of the Month!  She is sweet, kind, loving, caring, and forgiving.  Ms. Abbe is doing an AMAZING job at her first year at Lorena Middle School.  She is more than a teacher to a lot of her kids in her classes.  Ms. Abbe reminds me of spring.  For example, when times get cold and rough, like winter, she is always there right after to make you smile - just like spring.  By the way - Ms. Abbe ROCKS at teaching!

Congratulations Ms. Abbe!

If you are interested in nominating a teacher for Teacher of the Month, please go to the following link 
LMS Teacher of the Month Nomination Form or contact the front office at 254-857-4621.